Humanitarne akcije



Imala sam tu čast da upoznam i zaposlene i štićenike ove ustanove, koja zbrinjava mlade iz cele Srbije, uzrasta od 7 do 18 godina, među kojima su žrtve nasilja, zlostavljanja i zanemarivanja, žrtve trgovine ljudima, deca bez roditeljskog staranja, deca ulice. To su zaista divna deca, kojima je potrebno malo pažnje i ljubavi... Kada bi se svako od nas odrekao samo 1 pakle cigareta ili pića u kafiću i uplatili taj iznos na njihov račun oni bi imali siguran obrok! Naše "malo" nekome mnogo znači!!!!!

Budite humani :)

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Imam jedno pitanjce po pitanju humanitarnih akcija, pa se unapred izvinjavam ako skrecem sa teme.

Naime, imam jednog prijatelja koji ne moze da hoda. Skuplja novac za operaciju vec dugo ali nikako da skupi, a najveca zelja mu je da ponovo stane na svoje noge. Postoji li ikakva sansa da mu pomognemo i sakupimo makar nesto ovde?

Postavila bih sve njegove podatke, celu pricu o njemu i njega kao kontakt, licno.

Cmokic za sve :wub:

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Unapred,ako slicna tema postoji molim admine da ovu premeste,nisam mogla da nadjem.

Jutros sam naletela na divnu akciju udruzenja paraplegicara i kvadriplegicara Banata,koja se zove cep za hendikep.Mozete se zabaviti sa svojom decom a usput i uciniti nesto dobro.

Da ne davim,vise o tome/na fb stranici

Sanja 79, andisam, Maricia i 1 ostali volite ovo

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I ja sam pre par dana saznala za ovu akciju i odusevila se! Pocela sam da skupljam cepove :)

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But, simply as it happens quite frequently with hyped-up games, Diablo three fell extremely quick of the legacy of its predecessor. Now, Diablo 4 is in the end coming to surpass it. Enter course of Exile, which via the early looks of it appeared like a first rate ARPG to play after the frustration in Diablo 3. 

Diablo 3 acquired lots of positive reviews on launch, but it failed to take lengthy for folks that played the game to observe that it was lacking in terms of depth while compared to Diablo 2. Then there was the auction residence scenario, with players spending or promoting items for actual cash. 

Right from the begin, all people who played path of Exile right now recognized its complexity. The skill tree changed into big (and it is somehow even larger now), the skills were many, and the options to build the characters have been even more. Will Diablo 4 stay up to that?

Related: what to anticipate from the imminent direction of Exile: Ultimatum growth and Livestream declaration It is precisely what came about with Diablo 2, and this is going to reveal precisely what the ARPG community desires from new video games. 

Path Of Exile's fulfillment, and how it modified the ARPG style Direction of Exile's success was possibly sparked with the aid of how much ARPG enthusiasts wished a game to play for a long time, getting to know its secrets and techniques, slowly getting to know every issue of it. To sell Diablo 4 Gold platform with high quality and comprehensive, efficient delivery and worry-free after-sales service, please visit

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Creating a Health Promotion Plan Presentation

Before diving into the creation of your health creation plan donation, it's essential to completely understand the assignment conditions. Assessment 4 in nrs 451 vn topic 3 grand canyon kr generally involves opting a Target Population Choose a specific population or community to concentrate on in your donation. This could be grounded on factors similar as age, gender, position, or a particular health concern.

Conducting a Needs Assessment dissect the health requirements and enterprises of your chosen population. This may involve gathering data on being health issues, threat factors, and social determinants of health. Relating Health Promotion pretensions Define clear, measurable health creation pretensions that address the linked requirements and enterprises of your target population.

Developing Strategies Propose substantiation- grounded strategies and interventions to achieve your health creation pretensions. These strategies should be acclimatized to the characteristics and requirements of your chosen population. Creating a Presentation Construct a visually charming nrs 493 strategic plan summary and instructional donation that effectively communicates your health creation plan. This may include slides, infographics, and other media rudiments.

Grand Canyon

Title Slide launch with a title slide that includes your donation's title, your name, the course name, and date. Preface give an overview of your donation's purpose, the named population, and the significance of health creation in nursing practice. Population Assessment Present the results of your requirements assessment. This can include data on health issues, demographics, and socioeconomic factors that impact the target population's health.

Health Promotion pretensions easily state your health creation pretensions. Make sure they're specific, measurable, attainable, applicable, and time- bound (SMART).  Theoretical Framework bandy the theoretical frame nrs 493 topic 1 reflective journal entry 1 kr that underpins your health creation plan. Consider models like the Health Belief Model, Social Cognitive Theory, or the Ecological Model, depending on your specific population and pretensions.

Substantiation- Grounded Strategies Describe the strategies and interventions you plan to apply to achieve your health creation pretensions. These strategies should be supported by exploration and acclimatized to your population. Timeline produce a timeline for the perpetration of your strategies. This can be a visual representation, similar as a Gantt map, to show when each intervention will do.

Resource Allocation figure the coffers demanded to execute your plan, including labor force, budget, and accoutrements. Evaluation Plan Explain how you'll estimate the effectiveness of your health creation plan. Define specific outgrowth measures and evaluation styles. 

 walls and Challenges bandy implicit obstacles you may encounter and how you plan to address them. Conclusion epitomize the crucial points of your donation, emphasizing nurs fpx 4010 assessment 1 collaboration and leadership reflection nb the significance of your health creation plan for the target population. References Include a list of all sources and references used in your donation.

Effective Health Promotion Strategies

Health creation is each about encouraging individualities and communities to take control of their health. To produce an effective health creation plan, consider these strategies Education and mindfulness give information and raise mindfulness about the health issue at hand. Use clear and culturally applicable communication styles. Community Engagement Involve the community in the planning and perpetration of health creation conditioning. This fosters a sense of power and commission.

Life Interventions Encourage healthy actions similar as physical exertion, healthy eating, smoking conclusion, and alcohol temperance. Access to Healthcare insure that the target population has access to necessary healthcare services and coffers. Policy Advocacy Advocate for policy changes nurs fpx 4010 assessment 2 interview and interdisciplinary issue identification nr that support the health of your population. This could involve lobbying for better healthcare backing or bettered structure.  Social Support Establish support networks within the community, as social support plays a significant part in health creation.

Visual rudiments and donation Chops

The success of your donation depends not only on the content but also on how you present it. Then are some tips for creating engaging and effective illustrations Clear and Concise Slides Use pellet points, illustrations, and terse textbook to convey your communication. Avoid overcrowded slides with inordinate textbook. Engaging Graphics Incorporate images, maps, and infographics to make your donation pay someone to take my online class visually appealing and aid in understanding. Harmonious Design Maintain a harmonious color scheme and fountain style throughout your donation for a professional look. Engaging Delivery Exercise your donation to insure smooth delivery. Maintain eye contact, speak easily, and use body language effectively. Q&A Preparation Anticipate questions that may arise during the donation and be prepared to answer them.


By following the crucial factors and strategies outlined in this companion, you can develop a donation that's both instructional and compelling. Flash back to base your plan on solid substantiation and engage with your followership effectively NR 447 Week 3 Conflict Resolution Paper to convey the significance of your health creation sweats.

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