Dr. Jonas - lunarna ovulacija



Dr. Eugene Jonas i njegova zena doneli su na svet 11-oro dece. Za zacece 9-oro od ovih 11, Jonas je koristio svoju metodu kalkulacije plodnih dana baziranoj na lunarnom kalendaru specificnom za svaku zenu pojedinacno, jer uzima u obzir njen tacan datum i vreme rodjenja, kao i mesto rodjenja za pravilnu kalkulaciju.

Evo malo informacija sa sajta centra za Jonas-ovu metodu:

We use the Dr. Eugen Jonas Method® to help you determine your personal fertile days as well as your child's gender. This method has been elaborated on and verified through 42 years of research by Dr. Jonas. The method is based on the conclusion that there are actually two (2) mutually totally independent cycles of fertility.

Dr. Jonas verified each cycle from the point of view of conception with help of volunteer married couples and launched the practical application of his verified method. These are not mere hypotheses or theories, but verified facts.

The first, hormonal cycle is known as ovulation. Ovulation occurs between two monthly periods of menstruation, when the egg leaves the ovary and travels to the uterus. If the conception does not take place, the lining of the uterus breaks down and is expelled out of the body and causes monthly bleeding. Traditionally, doctors have told their patients that between these two monthly bleedings an optional time exists for conception. However, when gynaecologists have attempted artificial insemination at this time, they have met with only a 15% success rate.

gender selection Yet, when these so-called ovulation days were used (or not used) for the purpose of preventing the pregnancy, conception occurred with 80% of the couples.

We, as women, like to believe that we are in tune with our bodies enough that we can feel dramatic changes such as pregnancy. Trying to get pregnant can be a frustrating, disheartening experience. "I thought it was for real, this time!" a woman may exclaim. Sometimes, we may feel like we have conceived, only to be told by doctors that we're not pregnant. Other times, we may think we have avoided pregnancy by following our ovulation cycles, only to find that we have conceived accidentally. Unfortunately, the female body is still full of mystery, and we have much to learn about it. Finding the most fertile time for an individual woman's eggs is similar to boiling eggs in water; you never know when they are ready! Ultrasound often gives results that show the progress of the pregnancy to be 1-2 weeks at variance with expectations of the doctors. These conceptions occur at time when they are quite sure they are safe. How can conceptions occur in the apparent absence of ovulation? Dr. Eugen Jonas has an answer: There is a second cycle.

The Second Cycle

This second cycle is completely independent from the first ovulation cycle. Through his trials with married couples, Dr. Jonas has verified that 85% of pregnancies have taken place during this second cycle, often referred as to spontaneous ovulation. Spontaneous ovulation is phenomenon medical circles are familiar with, but little about it has been understood or explored within the medical profession.

Highly Fertile Days (Red Days)


gender selection Dr. Eugen Jonas Method® of Natural Conception Control enables us to determine the second cycle. Upon receiving your application form, we will determine your personalized chart with your highly fertile red days marked for the following twelve (12) months from the date of application. A highly fertile day is the day when the conception is most probable. This day is strictly individual and applies only to the applicant.

If the highly fertile (red) day overlaps or coincides with the ovulation day (explained below), conception rate is nearly 99%. Your highly fertile days will be included on your individual calendar and marked by a red coloured square, each with three (3) preceding days in a red frame. Each of the four (4) days constitutes a highly fertile time when you will have the best chance to conceive.

Ovulation days (green days) ...


The first cycle of fertile days, is determined for every woman by herself according to occurrence of monthly menstruation. When you receive Dr. Jones's calendar, your will record this cycle by yourself, with the method that follows:

Mark your first day of menstruation by a blue-coloured square into the calendar. A blue horizontal line underlines the last day of menstruation.

Then add full fifteen (15) days to the first day of your menstruation and mark this day in green (for example, the menstruation started on 3rd January - the 15th day is the 18th January). This is the traditionally presumed day of ovulation.

Starting from this ovulation (green) day, add six (6) days before and six (6) days after this ovulation (green) day.

You will get a 13-day ovulation term, which you mark by a green frame. Only few pregnancies occur during this green period. Make sure you mark these days into the calendar - when the "red" day overlaps with the "green" day, the conception rate could be almost 99%.


Each time you have sexual intercourse, mark an "X" to the right of to the number on the calendar. Do this also after the pregnancy has been verified. A shift in the menstruation cycle has no influence on the calculations. However, if the menstruation has a pathologic cause, a gynaecologist should be consulted. The calendar shows only optimum fertile days, it gives no hope of success in women that are unable to get pregnant due to pathologic causes. Therefore, specialists should treat a disease in a woman or in her husband.

Dr. Eugen Jonas Method® of Natural Conception Control is simple, very affordable and easy to use. Unlike most modern scientific discoveries, there are no dangerous side effects associated with it. No drugs, no chemicals and no surgery are required.

Our results speak for themselves...Why not use the natural way?

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BRAVO Meybe !!!!

Kako si sve to lepo upakovala



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Maybe, pošto meni ciklusi variraju od 30 do 35 dana, mislim da ne bi bilo sigurno da unapred određujem ovulacije i da icrtam unapred plave periode. Šta misliš da ja to lepo za svaki mesec ucrtavam, ne znam da li može tako? I ovo plavo što si ubeležila su ovulacije ili menstruacije? Koliko se sećam ispod tabele piše da menstruacije treba da se obeleže plavim, a ovulacije zelenim...

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Ovo je moj kalendar iz 2009 godine, kada sam ostala trudna - 19.07. gde se baš i vidi podebljana crvena linija i da će da bude dečak, a pri tom je to bio 29 dan ciklusa (p.m. 21.06.). Meni je ciklus bio neredovan, imala sam na 30 do 45 dana (u proseku 9 menstruacija godišnje! Ovu tabelu sam uradila u aprilu te godine i pratila, pošto smo se mm i ja vidjali tad jednom do dva puta u mesec dana, tad smo baš potrefili datum!

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Znači Buhla ovo je kod tebe upalilo? :rolleyes:

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Hvala, Maybe!

Kako je ovo dobro, sto nam niko nije ranije rekao za ovo? ;)

Mi u svakom slucaju mozemo ponovo da se preracunamo, ako vestica ne dodje na vreme ili pozuri, ovo je okvirno.

Meni znaci junuar! Ko ce da ceka do tad... Mada pokusavacemo mi i sad ;)

Sad se nesto secam da sam citala ranije o ovom doktoru i njegovoj metodi, nisam bas nasla tabelu i sve ovo, ali cini mi se da je pisalo da su takodje najmanje rizicne trudnoce kada se zacne u tom periodu lunarne ovulacije.

La_Vie voli ovo

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Hm, Maybe, jel si sugurna da su dobri podaci kole si unela? Na tabeli koju sam ja skinula to malo drugacije izgleda...

Nisam ti valjda poslala pogresne podatke?

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ja sam proveravala tabelu iz 2009 i 2010, jer sam vec bila trudna doduse neuspesno i ne mogu da verujem poklapa se... ;)

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Haha, 31. septembar, svaka mi cast... :lol: Plavusa...

Pa desava se, preplavile smo te podacima, sve nagrnule na tebe jednu. Al sta da ti kazem, sama si se javila :P

Pretpostavila sam da je tako nesto u pitanju, ili datum ili grad...

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ja sam proveravala tabelu iz 2009 i 2010, jer sam vec bila trudna doduse neuspesno i ne mogu da verujem poklapa se... ;)

A kako si nasla tabelu za proslu godinu? Jel si vec imala ili si sad skinula? Ja sam nesto racunala unazad, kao skontala sam da mi ovo pokazuje na 29 dana :blink: , i u dan mi se poklapa sa proslom trudnocom, al to sam otprilike, volela bih da proverim na pravoj tabeli, al ne znam kako da je nadjem? :blink:

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Hvala, po ko zna koji put! :rolleyes:

A jel ste provalile kako meni iznad prvih 8 meseci uopste ne pise kog bi pola bila beba? :huh:

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A kako si nasla tabelu za proslu godinu? Jel si vec imala ili si sad skinula? Ja sam nesto racunala unazad, kao skontala sam da mi ovo pokazuje na 29 dana :blink: , i u dan mi se poklapa sa proslom trudnocom, al to sam otprilike, volela bih da proverim na pravoj tabeli, al ne znam kako da je nadjem? :blink:

pa kad si kod "Methods" malo ispod imas opciju za izmenu datuma pa mozes upisati bilo koji datum za racunjanje

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Hvala, po ko zna koji put! :rolleyes:

A jel ste provalile kako meni iznad prvih 8 meseci uopste ne pise kog bi pola bila beba? :huh:

i meni za 2010 ne pokazuje pol..

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Ja ne verujem! U dan se poklapa sa ovulacijom kad sam ostala trudna!!! I kaze da bi bilo musko... :(

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Sad tek vidim, i stvarno nema pola ... :blink:

Mozda ces da imas blizance ili trojke ;)

sve je moguce.. ;)

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Sad tek vidim, i stvarno nema pola ... :blink:

Mozda ces da imas blizance ili trojke ;)

Pa kaze meni doktor jutros dva velika folikula... :rolleyes:

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Hvala Maybe, razjasnila si nam! Ja ću da beležim za svaki mesec, kao što kažeš, tako je najsigurnije, jer je ipak veliki period od godinu dana...ali ako imaš vremena odradi i za mene, moju tabelu imaš, sinoć sam je skinula...ne znam šta još treba...poslednja menstruacija mi je bila 17.09. računaj da je na 30 dana, čisto okvirno da vidim...

I da, super bi bilo da se jave mame koje imaju vremena da provere da li se i njima poklopio ovaj period kad su začele...

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Maybe hvala!

E sad sam se jos jednom preracunala za proslu godinu, posto sam pogrjesila mjesec prosli put, :lol: pogodilo i pol i vrijeme. Znaci, ovaj mjesec se bacam na coeka u tom periodu, tj kako kaze kalendar. :D

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ako sam dobro izracunala...taj crveni dan u septembru smo pokrili :D tad sam imala,ali onako tek-tek pa... al ne pise mi pol,zasto?

maybe,mozes da proveris?

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a evo za 2008.decembar kad sam ostala trudna,poklapa se.


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Nema na cemu, hvala tebi sto si izracunala za proslu trudnocu - i potvrdila :D

Samo mi reci - kazes da ti se lunarna ovulacija na kalendaru poklapa sa periodom zaceca tvoje malene :wub: ... da li ti se tog meseca poklopila i ciklusna ovulacija sa lunarnom, ili je bilo "bez" poklapanja?

Da, obe su se poklopile, i lunarna i ciklusna. I to onaj najcrveniji dio mi je pao na 14 dan.

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Nisam sigurna zasto ... mislim da najverovatnije ima veze sa tim sto je ovo besplatan kalendar - pa ne daju sve informacije namerno, zele da nas nagovore da kupimo software/program za racunanje pola i optimalne plodnosti ...


Ma,pol nije ni bitan..eto nama nove zanimacije,smorilo me ono 'obicno' racunanje plodnih dana i ovulacije... ;)

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Napravila sam kao neki proracun, ali mislim da je za tebe mnogo bolje da ga radis svakog meseca ... po ovome sto sam ja racunala (na 30,31 dan) za narednih 6 meseci se ciklusna ovulacija ne poklapa sa lunarnim. Medjutim, posto tebi moze dosta da varira, obavezno to sama da pratis, jer nekoliko puta po 3-5 dana razlike i to je vec za poklapanje!


Ma,pol nije ni bitan..eto nama nove zanimacije,smorilo me ono 'obicno' racunanje plodnih dana i ovulacije... ;)

Hvala ti! Pa da i ja isto mislim, ja ću lepo, zbog tih variranja, da upisujem za svaki mesec, inače ako mi dolazi stalno na 30 dana neće doći uopšte do poklapanja nikad ili ne bar u bližoj budućnosti, tako da se sad nadam da će da varira :lol: ...i jeste zanimljivo i daje nadu što su nam ove mamice potvrdile poklapanja u njihovom slučaju...Ih, sad kad sve zabebimo u kratkom roku, sad smo otkrile u čemu je štos! :lol:

Maybe, ja bih još samo malo da te gnjavim :P kaži nam kako da sam obeležavamo ove periode, menstruacije, ciklusne ovulacije, gde treba da se klikne da bi mogle da crtamo po dobijenoj tabeli...

Malo smo smešne, znam ja da je nauka, doktori i ostalo najtačnije i najbitnije, ali zašto ne probati nešto novo, u svakom slučaju ovo ne može da škodi...

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I ja sam odusevljena ovim, pogotovo kad vidim koliko ima poklapanja!

I mnogo toga objasnjava, npr to zacece u toku menstruacije, pa verujem da ste sve cule za tzv spontane ovulacije, doktori to objasnjavaju promenom vremena ili zbog nekog uzbudjenja, ko bi reko da to ima veze sa mesecevim menama!

Joj, kako sam uzbudjena!!! :lol:

Ajmo, zene, jos provera!

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A tako znači, Maybe, ja sam mislila da ti na tom sajtu njihovom ucrtavaš...ok onda, i ja sam skinula sliku i sad ću da ucrtavam za svaki mesec...Bilo bi super da svaka od nas na kraju meseca izbaci svoju tabelu iscrtanu sa menstruacijama ili bar ciklusnim ovulacijama i ovim njihovim, pa da vidimo kako je kod koga...kao neko naše malo istraživanje ;)

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